
Video Guide List




Location: China         Length: 5 min

This documentary displays the dilapidated state of the former 20th Century hutong residence of Mr. Liang Sicheng and his wife Ms. Lin Huiyin in Beijing. The couple was among China’s most famous art and architecture experts, particularly in exploring Chinese ancient architecture.


Location: Nepal         Length: 19 min

High in the Nepalese Himalayas sits the monastery of Thupten Choling, one of the few remaining free, independent, and traditional Tibetan monasteries in the world…


Location: California         Length: 27 min.

In the shadow of Mt. Whitney lies California’s Owens Valley, the deepest valley in North America. Its contrasting environments include snow-capped spires, desert valleys, volcanic moonscapes, and verdant marshlands...


Location: Georgia         Length: 17 min

Almost 1000 years ago, Ocmulgee became one of the first large ceremonial centers of an ancient civilization. For hundreds of years, the Mississippians constructed great cities and thousands of mounds, dominating much of Ancient America…


Location: Greece         Length: 21 min

Moussai is a small village in the region of Mylopotamos, Crete, abandoned in the late 1960s.  In only a few decades, the village has been transformed into an advanced stage of decay…


Location: Estonia         Length: 31 min

In 1955, Estonian archaeologist Osvald Saadre found in Otepää Fortress a room containing pieces of bronze. These pieces were parts of the oldest Estonian firearm, dating back to the late 14th Century...


Location: Bulgaria         Length: 33 min

At the very heart of ancient Thrace, in modern Bulgaria, lies the equally ancient town of Plovdiv. Occupied since the end of the seventh millennium BC, the city has risen from the ashes many times in more than 8000 years...


Location: Greece         Length: 9 min

Recognized in Classical and modern times as the perfect synthesis of science and art, the Parthenon symbolizes the ideals of Athenian democracy and Classical Greek culture. This architectural and archaeological wonder stands today as one of the most renowned and visited structures in the world...


Location: Nevada         Length: 8 min

In the 1860s, Aurora, a mining boom town in western Nevada, was home to a Chinese population for which history is mute. At one point, the community comprised around 10,000 people, making it one of the largest towns in Nevada…


Location: Utah, USA.         Length: 2 min

Passport In Time volunteers help the Manti-La Sal National Forest and the Edge of the Cedars Museum in Blanding, Utah, to catalogue artifacts. The artifacts, collected in the 1970s, are from hundreds of Ancestral Puebloan sites dated AD 500 and 1300 in southeastern Utah…