
Video Guide List




Location: United Kingdom         Length: 13 min

Be prepared for a truly fresh look at the exploits of English Parliamentarian commander Robert Blake under Oliver Cromwell during the first English Civil War.  From July 1664 to July 1665, the city of Taunton, the only Parliamentery enclave in the southwest of England, under the leadership of Colonel Blake held out against the Royalist forces led by Lord Goring…


Location: Tunsia         Length: 12 min

For two centuries Rome struggled with Carthage, finally winning a decisive victory and annexing the Punic territories into the Empire…


Location: Cyprus         Length: 10 min

People have been growing grapes and making wine in Cyprus for thousands of years. They were making wine before Rome was founded!


Location: Rovereto, Italy        Length: 4 min.

ALI Executive Director Rick Pettigrew visited Rovereto, Italy, in October 2013 to serve on the jury for the annual International Review of Archaeological Cinema, one of the leading international competitions for cultural heritage film…


Location: Kentucky         Length: 9 min

Discovered in the 1980s, the dozens of prehistoric mud glyphs (drawings) deep inside Crump’s Cave have been subject to vandalism, despite the best efforts of the private property owner.


Location: China        Length: 12 min

The 1,200-year old Foguang Temple in Shanxi Province, China, is one the most important remaining wooden architectural jewels of Chinese civilization...


Location: Guatemala         Length: 9 min

The Mirador Basin, Guatemala, is noted for its many pre-Classic Maya cities and monuments, predating the Classic Maya sites of nearby Tikal by 800–1200 years…


Location: India         Length: 5 min.

The remarkable Indus Civilization of India and Pakistan was contemporaneous with other early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Iran and influenced later cultures, including modern India...


Location: China         Length: 6 min

In 1253, Kublai Khan, on his march to conquer the State of Dali, stationed troops in Lijiang, at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain in China’s Yunnan Province…


Location: Cambodia        Length: 7 min

Khmer King Jayavarman VII built Banteay Chhmar in northwest Cambodia at the end of the 12th Century using grandiose temple plans similar to those he adopted for Angkor…