
Video Guide List




Location: Ohio         Length: 6 min

Magnetometer survey by Dr. Jarrod Burks in Ohio relocates part of the 1000 foot wide Shriver Circle, a now invisible Woodland Period (300 B.C. – A.D. 500) earthworks feature, suggesting that remote sensing can revolutionize our understanding of Ohio earthworks…


Location: New Mexico         Length: 28 min

Produced under the New Mexico Historic Preservation Fund, this is an engaging exploration of modern science applied to ancient times…


Location: England         Length: 10 min

Standing an impressive 130 feet high and 100 feet across the flat top, Silbury Hill is the largest man-made mound in Europe. Though built by Stone Age people around 4,500 years ago, it still dominates the landscape…


Location: Florida         Length: 5 min

The USDA Forest Service investigates the extent and significance of the prehistoric Silver Glen Springs Site in Florida. Silver Glen Springs is one of the most popular recreation sites on the Ocala National Forest…


Location: Washington        Length: 13 min

In 1928, the coastal city of Hoquiam in Washington state was a boom town supplying timber for the rapidly growing American West. The Simpson Avenue Bridge opened that year, but its design became problematic as it entered the Twenty­-First Century...


Location: Germany         Length: 3 min

The huge stones of Neolithic and Bronze Age tombs in Europe often inspire questions about how people using simple technology could have transported them from their quarries…


Location: Arizona, United States         Length: 13 min

The Hopi Tribe and the USDA Forest Service are collaborating to protect some remarkable rock art panels in northern Arizona at a place in Kanab Creek Wilderness called Snake Gulch…


Location: China         Length: 5 min

Ethnic minority groups in Congjiang, a beautiful place in southeast China, face a serious dilemma. People are poor and work hard to earn a living, but have a rich cultural heritage threatened by modern influences…


Location: India         Length: 3.5 min

With a lion’s body and a human head, the sphinx is a well known symbol of ancient art and myth. For the ancients, it was an elevated spiritual being, embodying secret knowledge and wisdom, that guarded sacred places.

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Location: Palestine       Length: 16 min.

The Riwaq Centre for Architectural Conservation, headquartered in Ramallah, Palestine, for more than two decades has used architecture to restore more than 100 historic sites in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  Riwaq sees architectural restoration as a social and economic incubator…